Friday, February 5, 2010

Earthquake Of San Francisco Subwoofer Examples Of San Francisco 1906 Earthquake Amateur Photographers?

Examples of San Francisco 1906 earthquake amateur photographers? - earthquake of san francisco subwoofer

I am) looking for examples (eg, file, digital pictures, which take the fans to see the images after the earthquake in San Francisco fire of 1906. He said he had become one of the first catastrophe largely documented by amateur photographers ... I would like to see some pictures of these people, "at work". Also interested in pictures of the earthquake and fire, has especially designed for the fans.


  1. I collect SF earthquake in 10 years is negative. It has been well documented by the fans.

    Enter the "earthquake", "negative" and the search for completed auctions. In general, you will find.

  2. Contact the San Francisco Public Library. They have a very large photo archive that is relevant. You can join online, and I think the file is available, the same way.

  3. Take a look at Google Images, there are a few photos.
