Sunday, February 21, 2010

Usb Hardrive Adapter Radio Shack How Can The Xbox Media Center Recognize An External Hardrive?

How can the xbox media center recognize an external hardrive? - usb hardrive adapter radio shack

I have an external Hardrive with movies that I see in the situation as the Xbox, to play with them. I have a USB adapter fine and reads my 2gig USB flash drive when you can not read the disk, then add a second IDE cable from inside the Xbox, then remove the hard drive from Box and Xbox directly linked to the job?

1 comment:

  1. No, it does not work - the Xbox 360 is not a PC and only supports a single SATA hard drive (not IDE).

    External USB hard drives work, I just have different brands come together to ensure no problem - just that they in FAT and NTFS file not formatted format the Xbox 360 can not read.
