Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chicken Pox More Condition_symptoms Can You Catch Chicken Pox More Than Once?

Can you catch Chicken Pox more than once? - chicken pox more condition_symptoms

I had chickenpox when I was younger, and my son was like a baby, but my partner has just won. I am concerned for my son, she gets back, because it diminished immune system. Is it possible?


  1. Outspoken but HonestNovember 3, 2009 at 7:00 PM

    It is possible but very rare, so you can get what herpes zoster, which is another terrifying and can tear for many years after chickenpox.

    We have a family friend who got chicken pox for the first time in 50 and he was very ill and that his "much worse in adults

    Anyone who understands the need not to be vaccinated as a child, and that `s available to their doctors, as a small injection.

  2. Can hit twice, but it is very rare.
